2/6 Yamaha Live Sound Clinic – Mixing a Live Band

how to mix a live band

2/6 Yamaha Live Sound Clinic – Mixing a Live Band

John Schauer from Yamaha shows us how to use a mixer to setup a live band

Video text:

0:00:14.1 –>
that’s about as good as I get in with you okay that’s it doesn’t get a lot better than that without putting some mufflers on those drums okay and then finally let’s go to that floor top level here which is over you before just so you’re

0:01:01.8 –>
not going to get the mic again the drum is at an angle that the Michaels that are pretty severe angle to the drums I’m straightening it out a little again a floor tile is your worst enemy go pick it up rumble go ahead and work on that some more okay thanks all right and then lastly if you’re lucky enough to get overheads on your drums this is the coolest thing for getting that extra sizzle of the cymbals a lot of guys don’t think about this all I think about getting that killer kick drum in a snare drum middle you know hit

0:02:00.9 –>
in the chest the truth is this is like the salt and pepper on top that really good meal we want to make sure that everybody can hear the assembles right so two things first off I spent the most money on these two microphones these are not as expensive as these are because these are for picking up these really high frequency sounds that are really delicate so for that reason we’re going to put them close to the cymbals we’re not going to have them too far away from the kit right and we’re going to roll off all the low handle so that they only pick up the sound since we don’t want them to amplify what’s underneath on which of the drums so I’m going to go to these overheads and I’m going to take the low and just cut it way down cut the lows way down cuz that’s something that doesn’t need to be amplified here and either the mids I’ll take those down well before I ever even here I’m thinking to this you know and these are my most expensive microphones so I don’t

0:03:00.5 –>
want it blowing down to make sure they’re on and I don’t need to hit them with a stick I can check them myself but all this happened so you’re going to spend three four hundred dollars a piece on microphone have some I hit them with a stand I ain’t gonna be your friend for very long all right so anyway let’s just you if you just work with symbols on this side first yeah go with that one first it’s great oh I noticed because I know that there’s very little level coming up on my meters when every place that’s because I take it all that low in energy out of that say on so now I’ve got an overhead that should sound pretty good

0:04:01. –>
turn it on – it sounds like alright want to try that again get that sense all that a little extra that a cymbal gets out now I’ll take it a little secret culture it is to this crown pulsar it is to the crown it’s the same as when he hits it with a stick hit the crown with a stick using that sound I think what we can able by over we want wouldn’t hit the ribbon trim Oh Oh what that bell sound so I’m going to adjust that mic so it’s over that part of the cymbal okay now you try again for attitude okay you know good squad by

0:05:01 –>
both others and I think on the location setting okay we’re hearing it all now all right so that’s pretty much a good sound start to our drum set and notice I have a PA on and we haven’t messed with this vote with is a monitor at all but let’s go ahead and hear what that kid sounds like as a whole now okay you wanna go ahead and play so he’s in the ballpark here

0:06:20.1 –>
got a real nice sound and set of drums for a start it’s a little loud but it’s sound check sound check doesn’t matter how loud it is right where I’ll have them fine and it’s all good so you sound awesome out here by the way thank you for doing that okay so that’s a good start as to what we wanted out of that kit now the rest of the the rest of this system is direct so we kind of cheated we use the guitar pedal unit we didn’t use a guitar amp and a microphone so the same kind of rule applies with your mic and a drum cap a guitar cabinet with a microphone you might want to play with where your mic is setting but so as we go down in

0:07:00.7 –>
setup the rest of these of these settings just know that we didn’t have a on an instrument ham onstage there’s two reasons for this first off she knows always how that’s going to sound it’s never a different amp never one who liked it different this week and third from for me as a selfish sound guy the quieter I make this up onstage the better it’s an here because I don’t have screaming guitar trying to get into these microphones I don’t have killer drums trying to get into this microphone here it’s for vocals that’s the reason why most people tell you go into those in ear monitors is a good thing because you don’t go death – it doesn’t become a volume war on stage so let’s go to the next thing I’ve got I set up my mixer this way you set it up however you works what it works for you I just did vocals next so let’s do every 90 try mine

0:08:13.2 –>
okay keep coming okay one two – two – gotcha okay now take a little secret she is pretty shot and we’re all here and that’s all you’re hearing so what she’s not going to sing out the way she would when we perform so I’m going to know when we’re good these sound checks to set this a little bit lower than it should be because she’s gonna in the heat of the performance sing a little louder when she’s more comfortable sitting where we got you started now once I get that Center once I get that setting for her I can take that same setting to put it across every

0:09:00.5 –>
microphone that’s the same at least I’d be in the ballpark right so I’ll just go across here make sure I got them settings the same all right ladies oh here check one two hello okay wait here you hi check one two hello hello tap one two two one hey Claude where’s that coming from that’s a new sound hung one so the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to kill all the low-end on these microphones two reasons none of these ladies sing bass also if they drop while these microphones I don’t want to buy a woofer

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