How to Play “No Rain” by Blind Melon on the Ukulele

blind-melon ukulele

In this video by The Ukulele Teacher, we show you have to play the hit song “No Rain” by Blind Melon on Ukulele.
Originally written by American rock band Blind Melon. It was first released in 1993 as the second single from the band’s debut album Blind Melon, reaching #20 on the US Billboard Charts. The song is also known for the accompanying music video, which featured the “Bee Girl” character.

Check out our free Ukulele Tabs page, which of course features “No Rain”

Video Text:

0:00:00 –>
hello it’s me ukulele teacher here to teach you how to play No Rain by Blind Melon hey before we get going if there’s a song that you’re desperate to learn then let me know right now in the comments below because I’m always looking for suggestions for new songs to teach [Music] laughs now this song is mostly based around the chords of e d g and a to play the chord of e by the fourth fret with your first finger that means you push down on all four strings at the same time then add your fourth finger to the seventh fret of the first string and the chord of e should sound like this now to play the chord of D you just slide that whole shape down one two Frets and the chord of D should sound like this [Music] to play the chord of a put your first

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finger on the first fret of the third string and your second finger on the second fret of the fourth string and the chord of a should sound like this [Music] and to play the chord of G put your first finger on the second fret of the third string your second finger on the second fret of the first string and your third finger on the third fret of the second string and the chord of G should sound like this [Music] don’t worry we’ll get back to your regularly scheduled programming in just a few seconds time but first I wanted to share the news with you I have a podcast it’s called ukulele Tales it comes out each and every Wednesday and it’s available on Apple music Spotify and anywhere else you get your podcast from every week I share an in-person face-to-face chat with some of the very best ukulele players and Personalities in the world Zoom has been fantastic for keeping us all connected over the last couple of years but these are in-person face-to-face conversations where I get

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up close and personal with the Stars and they reveal Tales they haven’t shared anywhere else before I’ve chatted with everyone from James Hill to Jake shimovukuru to Bernadette teaches music to Victoria Vox so add it to your podcast finder today and you’ll get a brand new episode of ukulele Tales delivered directly to your device every single Wednesday after all everyone has a tale to tell [Music] foreign [Music] now we’re going to start off by learning the verse and then the chorus and then because to be honest it’s the hardest part we’re going to learn the intro at the end everything that you’re going to need for this lesson is going to be right up here on the screen for you to follow along but if you like a PDF song to help you play the whole thing and put it together at home sign up today to you teacher now the strong bet that I play throughout the verse is a swingy down down up up down up pattern like this down down up up down up down down up up down up now in the first line

0:03:01. –>
I play it through twice on the E and twice on the D like this [Music] but then in the second line I play it through once in full on the a like this down down up up down up and then I split it between the A and the G like this [Music] and I play it in full on the E twice like this [Music] and you just play that pattern through twice and you’ve got your verse it’ll sound like this [Music] and all I can do is just pour some tea for two and speak my point of view but it’s not safe

0:04:05.4 –>
hey if you guys like this ukulele that I’m using it was given to me by my good friends at Carla if you’d like to find out more information about this particular model or any of you that I use in any of my videos then click on the special link in the video description below and just because you follow me the ukulele teacher you will get an exclusive discount on anything on the Carla website foreign is really really easy to learn every single line is exactly the same with just e d e d down down up up down up down down up up down up e b and you repeat it four times and your chorus should sound like this I just want someone to say to me [Music]

0:05:02.9 –>
so stay with me [Music] foreign [Music] we can’t put it off any longer because after the chorus we play part of the intro so let’s go ahead and learn that intro in full now so we start off with our fingers in place on the E chord but what we do first is play the fifth fret of the second string and then the seventh fret of the second string and then with our fingers back in place on the E we do one down strum like this then we do exactly the same all over again and then the third time we do it we start to strum on the lead down down [Music] but I’m doing a little something extra

0:06:01.1 –>
on each of those chords on the E chord I’m adding my finger to the fifth fret of the second string like this [Music] and I’m doing something very similar on the D chord I’m adding my third finger to the fourth fret of the third string like this and that’s how to play My intro put it through together and it should sound like this [Music] we’re gonna go ahead now and have a play along party I’m gonna play through the song nice and slow and you guys are going to play it along with me foreign two three

0:07:00.3 –>
[Music] all I can say is that my life is pretty plain I like watching the puddles gather the rain and all I can do is just pour some tea for two and speak my point of view but it’s not safe [Music]

0:08:08.7 –>
oh so stay with me and I’ll have it all I can say is my life is pretty plain I like watching the puddles gather rain [Music] so that’s how to play No Rain by Blind Melon I’ve been ukulele teacher if you have any requests for future lessons then let me know right now in the comments below otherwise until next time I love you all and I wish you the best foreign [Music]

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