In this video by Bernadette Teaches Music, we show you have to play the hit song “Can’t Help Falling In Love” on Ukulele.
Originally written by Hugo Peretti, Luigi Creatore, and George David Weiss it was first recorded in 1961 by Elvis Presley for the album Blue Hawaii. The has since been covered by hundreds of artists including UB40 and Ohio duo Twenty One Pilots.
Check out our free Ukulele Tabs page, which of course features “Can’t Help Falling In Love”

Video Text:
0:00:00. –>
hello welcome in this video we will learn how to play can’t help falling in love so make sure that your guitar is tuned and let’s get started if you’d like to follow along with the PDF check the link at the description box below alrighty we are on line one let’s go straight into it you can watch the first time or you can play along it’s up to you 1 2 3 [Music] think about your next chord [Music] a little tip anytime that you have a minor make sure you play that with your middle finger because after a minor we
0:01:00. –>
have F chord so that way you’re already ready for F chord if you’re playing a minor with your index finger then you’re gonna have to do a full switch and that will like kind of kill a little bit of time so if you’re there with a minor middle finger you can do it quickly okay the next two lines are exactly the same as the first two line so let’s just go straight through them [Music] if there’s a challenging part in this song it’s this next part but I’m going to do a simplified version for you so that you don’t have to freak out okay so I’m going to only strum on the note and
0:02:01.1 –>
then switch and then switch so watch me do it [Music] if I were strumming throughout that part I would have less time to switch over here but I’m enchanting me with my singing right and while I’m doing that I’m switching so it’s kind of a sneaky way to buy yourself a little bit more time okay let’s try the together one two ready go [Music] now if you want to add the fingerstyle pattern you don’t have to but if you want to you want to get a little fancy or maybe once you’ve learnt this scene
0:03:01.2 –>
you want to take it to the next level click this card so that you can do the fingerstyle pattern but it would sound something like this [Music] totally optional all right let’s take it from the top take it from the top one two ready go [Music] here [Music]
0:04:05.4 –>
you [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music]
0:05:19.3 –>
and that of course was a shorter version of the song but all the courts would be the same on the extended version so this is just something that we can do to learn how to play this song entry level as always thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this tutorial please give me a thumbs up and in the comments below let me know where you’re watching from as always thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you in the next one [Music]
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