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Browse by Composer
Most Popular Composers
- Bach, Johann Sebastian
- Beethoven, Ludwig van
- Chopin, Frederic
- Couperin, François
- Debussy, Claude
- Dvořák, Antonín
- Foster, Stephen
- Grieg, Edvard
- Handel, George Frideric
- Haydn, Franz Joseph
- Liszt, Franz
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
- Mendelssohn, Felix
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei
- Rameau, Jean-Philippe
- Saint-Saëns, Camille
- Schubert, Franz
- Schumann, Robert
- Wagner, Richard
All Composers Alphabetically
- Abt, Franz
- Adam, Adolphe
- Adams, Carrie B.
- Adams, Stephen
- Aide, Hamilton
- Allen, Henry Robinson
- Ambrose, Robert
- Antiga, Jean
- Arensky, Anton
- Armstrong, J. M.
- Arne, Thomas
- Ascher, Joseph
- Ashford, Emma Louise
- Attwood, Thomas
- Avery, Stanley R.
- Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
- Bach, Johann Sebastian
- Bachmann, Georges
- Baermann, Carl
- Baker, John C.
- Balfe, Michael William
- Barnard, Charlotte Alington
- Barnby, Joseph
- Barns, Ethel
- Bassford, William K.
- Bayley, Thomas Haynes
- Becket, Thomas A.
- Beethoven, Ludwig van
- Beirly, Alfred
- Benedict, Julius
- Berlin, Irving
- Bishop, Henry
- Black, James Milton
- Blackwood, Helen Selina
- Blamphin, Charles
- Bland, James A.
- Bliss, J. W.
- Bliss, Philip Paul
- Blockley, John
- Blumenthal, Jacques
- Bohm, Carl
- Bosetti, Carlo
- Bossi, Marco Enrico
- Bovy-Lysberg, Charles Samuel
- Bower, Harry A.
- Bradbury, William
- Braga, Gaetano
- Brahms, Johannes
- Brassin, Louis
- Briggs, T. F.
- Brown, Margaret Coote
- Bucalossi, P.
- Buckley, Frederick
- Buckley, R. Bishop
- Bullard, Carrie
- Burgmüller, Johann Friedrich Franz
- Burmester, Willy
- Burnham, Charles S.
- Busoni, Ferruccio
- Butterfield, James Austin
- Buzzi-Peccia, Arturo
- Cadmus, Howard
- Callcott, John Wall
- Camidge, Matthew
- Campana, F.
- Carcassi, Matteo
- Cassell, Flora H.
- Catalani, Alfredo
- Chambers, William Paris
- Chaminade, Cécile
- Cherry, John William
- Chevalier, Albert
- Chopin, Frederic
- Chwatal, Franz Xaver
- Cilèa, Francesco
- Claribel
- Clark, Thomas Curtis
- Clementi, Muzio
- Conkey, Ithamar
- Connelly, M.
- Cooke, Tom
- Covert, Bernard
- Couperin, François
- Courtney, J. M.
- Cowen, Frederic Hymen
- Cox, J. S.
- Crabbe, J. G.
- Crescentini, Adolfo
- Creswell, John D.
- Crosby, L. V. H.
- Crouch, Frederick
- Crowe, A. G.
- Crowninshield, Ethel
- Cui, César
- Cutler, Henry S.
- Czibulka, Alphons
- Dadmun, John William
- Davidoff, Karl
- Debussy, Claude
- Deeves, M.
- Delibes, Léo
- Dempster, William Richardson
- Denza, Luigi
- Dibdin, Charles
- Dietrich, J. F. C.
- Doane, Howard
- Donizetti, Gaetano
- Dotzauer, Friedrich
- Drummond, Algernon
- Duncombe, William
- Dvořák, Antonín
- Dykes, John Bacchus
- Edson, Lewis
- Elliot, James William
- Emerson, Luther Orlando
- Emmet, Joseph K.
- Emmett, Daniel Decatur
- Engelbrecht, J. C.
- Everest, Cornelius B.
- Ewing, Alexander
- Faning, Eaton
- Faure, Jean-Baptiste
- Fearis, John S.
- Fesca, Alexander
- Field, John
- Fithian, Powell George
- Flemming, Friedrich Ferdinand
- Flotow, Friedrich von
- Fliege, Hermann
- Floridia, Pietro
- Fontenailles, Henri de
- Foster, Myles B.
- Foster, Stephen
- Fox, George D.
- Friml, Rudolf
- Gabriel, Charles H.
- Gabriel, Virginia
- Gabriel-Marie, Jean
- Ganne, Louis
- Gatty, Alfred Scott
- Gauntlett, Henry
- Gaynor, Jessie L.
- Giardini, Felice de
- Giordano, Umberto
- Glover, Charles William
- Glover, Stephen
- Glück, Friedrich
- Godard, Benjamin
- Godowsky, Leopold
- Goodeye, Arthur
- Goss, John
- Gottschalk, Louis Moreau
- Götze, Carl
- Goudimel, Claude
- Gould, John Edgar
- Gounod, Charles
- Grainger, Percy
- Grannis, Sidney Martin
- Gray, John
- Gretchaninov, Alexander
- Grieg, Edvard
- Griffes, Charles
- Gruber, Franz
- Guernsey, Wellington
- Gurlitt, Cornelius
- Hall, Foley
- Hanby, Benjamin
- Handel, George Frideric
- Handy, H. L.
- Handy, W. C.
- Hardelot, Guy D’
- Harris, Thoro
- Harrison, Annie Fortescue
- Hart, Austin
- Hastings, Thomas
- Hatton, John Liptrot
- Hawthorne, Alice
- Haydn, Franz Joseph
- Hayes, Dr.
- Hays, Will S.
- Heller, Stephen
- Hendrickson, William D.
- Herbert, Victor
- Hering, Carl Gottlieb
- Hiller, Ferdinand
- Himmel, Friedrich Heinrich
- Hine, Marie M.
- Hirsh, Allan M.
- Hobson, M.
- Hodges, John
- Hoffman, Richard
- Holden, Oliver
- Holst, Matthias von
- Holton, Fred B.
- Hood, Helen
- Hook, James
- Hoover, W. H. H.
- Hopekirk, Helen
- Hopkins, Jr., John Henry
- Hosmer, E. A.
- Howard, Roland
- Hřimaly, Johann
- Hugg, George Crawford
- Hubay, Jenö
- Hullah, John
- Hutchinson, William
- Ibert, Jacques
- Indy, Vincent d’
- Ingle, Charles
- Jakobowski, Edward
- Jarvis, Charles
- Johnston, Archibald
- Jones, John
- Jordan, Julian
- Joseffy, Rafael
- Jude, William Herbert
- Jungmann, Albert
- Karganoff, Génari
- Keith, A. M.
- Keller, Matthias
- Ketterer, Eugène
- Kiallmark, George F.
- King C. M.
- Kinkel, Johanna
- Kittredge, Walter
- Kjerulf, Halfdan
- Kneass, Nelson
- Knight, Joseph Philip
- Kocher, Conrad
- Koschat, Thomas
- Kratz, Lee G.
- Kreisler, Fritz
- Krug, Diederich
- Kücken, Friedrich Wilhelm
- Kullak, Theodor
- Lambert, Louis
- Lane, George Martin
- Lane, Gerald M.
- Lange, Gustav
- Langey, Otto
- Lassen, E.
- Lavallée, Calixa
- Lemmens, Jacques-Nicolas
- Lennox, Lindsay
- Leschetizky, Theodor
- Leslie, Ernest
- Leybach, Ignace
- Liebe, Louis
- Lindsay, M.
- Linley, George
- Lisle, Claude Joseph Rouget de
- Liszt, Franz
- Lorenz, Edmund Simon
- Loret, Clement
- Lortzing, Albert
- Lover, Samuel
- Lowry, Robert
- Luther, Martin
- Lvov, Alexei
- Macarthy, Harry
- MacDowell, Edward
- MacMaster, Georges
- Marks, William Edie
- Marriott, C. H. R.
- Marsh, Simeon Butler
- Marshall, W. S.
- Martucci, Giuseppe
- Marzials, Theodore
- Mason, Lowell
- Mason, William
- Massenet, Jules
- Mattei, Tito
- Maybrick, Michael
- McGlennon, Felix
- McNaughton, John Hugh
- Mendelssohn, Felix
- Messiter, Arthur
- Methfessel, ?
- Meyer-Helmund, Erik
- Meyerbeer, Giacomo
- Mills, S. B.
- Mineo, Enrico
- Molloy, James L.
- Moffat, Alfred
- Monk, William H.
- Moore, Thomas
- Morison, Mary Sanford
- Morris, George Phillips
- Morris, Leila Naylor
- Moszkowski, Moritz
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
- Mullen, John
- Muse, A. E. A.
- Musgrave, Frank
- Nägeli, Hans Georg
- Nardis, Camillo de
- Neidlinger, William Howard
- Nelson, Sidney
- Nevin, Ethelbert
- New, S. W.
- Nuestedt, Ch.
- Nish, A.
- Nolan, Michael
- Noorden, P. E. Van
- Offenbach, Jacques
- Ogden, W. A.
- Ordway, John P.
- d’Orso, F.
- Osgood, Frances Sargent
- Paine, T.
- Paladilhe, Emile
- Paganini, Niccolò
- Parker, Henry
- Patton, Abby Hutchinson
- Peabody, Jr. A. Jackson
- Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
- Peters, William C.
- Petrie, H. W.
- Phelps, Edmond S.
- Phile, Philip
- Pierce, Charles A.
- Pierpont, James Lord
- Pike, Marshall S.
- Pinna, Joseph de
- Pinsuti, Ciro
- Pirani, Max
- Poldini, Ede
- Poulton, George R.
- Praetorius, Michael
- Pratt, Charles E.
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei
- Rameau, Jean-Philippe
- Ramler, A. J.
- Raymond, Eugene
- Redner, Lewis
- Reger, Max
- Reinecke, Carl
- Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb
- Renard, Felix
- Ricci, Luigi
- Rice, Elisha S.
- Roeder, Otto
- Root, George F.
- Rosewig, Albert Henry
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
- Rubinstein, Anton
- Russell, Henry
- Saint-Saëns, Camille
- Sanderson, James
- Sarasate, Pablo
- Satter, Gustav
- Sawyer, Henry S.
- Sayles, James M.
- Schmidt, Oscar
- Schmitt, Aloys
- Schnecker, Peter August
- Schubert, Franz
- Schubert, Louis
- Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter
- Schulz-Weida, Joseph
- Schumann, Robert
- Schweden, Kronprinz Gustav von
- Scott, Alicia
- Scott, Cyril
- Ševčik, Ottakar
- Sewell, T. M.
- Shaw, David T.
- Shepard, F. S.
- Sherwin, William
- Shindler, Mary
- Sibley, Churchill
- Siegert, Gottlob
- Silcher, Friederich
- Sinclair, John
- Sinding, Christian
- Singelée, Jean-Baptiste
- Smart, Henry
- Smith, Dan D.
- Smith, Eleanor
- Smith, Henry
- Smith, John Stafford
- Smith, Robert, A.
- Smith, Sydney
- Sousa, John Philip
- Spilman, Jonathan
- Stainer, John
- Stanford, Charles Villiers
- Steffe, William
- Steggall, Charles
- Stoll, Oswald
- Strakosch, Maurice
- Strauss, Franz
- Strelezki, Anton
- Sullivan, Arthur
- Sullivan, Marion Dix
- Suppé, Franz von
- Taubert, Carl Gottfried Wilhelm
- Temple, Hope
- Thalberg, Sigismond
- Thomas, John Rogers
- Thomé, Francis
- Thompson, Henry S.
- Tomer, William
- Tombelle, F. de la
- Tosti, Francesco Paolo
- Tours, Berthold
- Trotère, Henry
- Tucker, Henry
- Tuckerman, Henry L.
- Tyte, M.
- Vaughan Williams, Ralph
- Verdi, Giuseppe
- Vieuxtemps, Henri
- Ville, Paul de
- Wade, John Francis
- Wagner, Richard
- Wainwright, John
- Wakefield, Augusta Mary
- Wallace, William Vincent
- Warren, George William
- Watson, Michael
- Weaver, T. B.
- Webb, George James
- Webbe, Samuel
- Weber, Carl Maria von
- Webster, Joseph P.
- Weiland, Francis
- Wellings, Milton
- Wellman, W. F.
- Wells, M. M.
- Werner, Hildegard
- Wesley, Samuel S.
- Whittaker, T.
- Wieniawski, Henri
- Wickede, Friedrich von
- Wilhelm, Karl
- Williams, Thomas E.
- Willing, William
- Willis, Richard
- Willis, Wallis
- Wilson, H. Lane
- Wilson, Ira Bishop
- Wilton, C. H.
- Winner, Septimus
- Wohlfahrt, Franz
- Wollenhaupt, Hermann Adolf
- Woodbury, Isaac B.
- Woodworth, Samuel
- Work, Henry C.
- Wrighton, William Thomas
- Wyeth, John
- Yradier, Sebastian
Songbooks and Collections
- Fifty Songs by Robert Schumann
- One Hundred and One Best Songs, The
- Twelve Solos for French Horn and Piano
- Twenty Melodious and Progressive Pieces for Mandolin and Piano
- Album of Classical Sonatinas Arranged for Violin and Piano
- American Successes for Piano Solo: Vol. 1 Difficult
- Cécile Chaminade: Favorite Compositions for the Pianoforte
- Christmas Carols
- Christmas Carols and Hymns
- Christmas Joys
- Couperin Album
- Early English Sonatinas
- Favorite Duets for Cello and Piano
- Golden Violin, The
- Heart Songs
- The Ideal Home Music Library
- Masters of Russian Song
- Men’s Gospel Quartets
- Modern Italian Composers
- Most Popular Mother Goose Songs, The
- Organ Selection for the Wedding Service –
- Patriotic Songs
- Rachmaninoff Album
- Rachmaninoff: Six Songs
- Saxophone Album
- Songs without Words
- Sousa March Folio, The
- The World’s Best Music
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